
Electroplating issues with flat faucets

2019-03-21 1111

A faucet, also known as a faucet, is the most widely used and frequently used type of toilet and washing water appliance with the progress of people&# 039; Living standards and the continuous improvement of housing conditions and living equipment, the demand for mid to high grade water nozzles is increasing, and the quality requirements for the outer covering of water nozzles are also high In response to the quality problem of water ZZLE electrolysis, The author has consulted many related materials and conducted acid salt spray experiments on ceramic products We will now improve the electroplating quality of water nozzles and briefly discuss the following issues

1. Material selection

The quality of noise electroporation not only depends on the electroporation process, but also involves various aspects such as noise substrate information, casting process, electroporation pre treatment, etc. The valve body of the faucet is the primary component, make of cast brass, with ZCu40ZnPb2 brand being the most common The average wall thickness of the casting is 3mm The valve body dy dy, Handle, and valve cover of a good faucet are all made of brass and refined After casting, processing, surface polishing, and electropolishing, they are electroplated with nickel, decorative chromium, or chromium nickel alloy If these products are well treated before casting, electro plating, and electro plating processes, They are generally more corrosion resistance In order to enhance the corrosion resistance of the product and improve its level, a multi layer nickel plating process is also selected How, some enterprises, in order to save production costs, add a lot of waste copper into the cast brass, which causes a lot of investments in the cast brass This makes the product loose in appearance ance, Contains more sand holes, and is not corrosion resistant After acid salt spray testing, it shows Pitting and Pitting correction Some manufacturers even use updated cast iron and zinc alloys as materials because cast iron is prone to trust and zinc alloys are not corrosion resistant Water nozzles made from these materials are prone to trust spots After 2 hours of acid salt spray testing, The valve body shows many defects such as rust spots and Pitting Some manufacturers use brass material for the water noble valve body, while the handle and valve cover use defect materials such as cast iron and plastic After 24 hours of acid salt spray testing, this product often shows that the valve body does not corrode, while the handle and valve cover show severe corrosion, Leading to unqualified products and reducing the level of the product


2. Casting process

The valve body of the water noise is the primary component of the water noise, and its production method generally applies sand mold casting and metal mold casting Due to the high quality requirements for the appearance of the water noise, the outer surface of the casting before election should not have any visible points, cracks, noise, or inputs; The selection of metal mold casting for water nozzles is characterized by fine arrangement, good appearance quality, high yield, and may also avoid environmental pollution caused by sand mold casting Thereforee, most manufacturers now use metal mold casting skills How, when using a metal mold casting water noble valve, its outer surface is formed by a metal mold, And the inner activity is formed by a covered sand core When the copper liquid is pooled into the metal mold cavity, the outer cooling rate is fast, and the casting arrangement is fine and dense; The inner activity is surrounded by a sand core, which has a slow cooling rate and is done to shrink and loose Although some manufacturers choose high quality cast brass, after 24 hours of acid salt spray testing, the valve body still shows losses of gloss and trust spots The reason is that the casting process of the water noble body was not properly handled There are more, Only by strengthening the design of casting molds, the melting and pooling of alloys, the control of casting processes, and the cleaning of sand drop can equally water noble body castings to be cast

3. Qualified noise castings that are polished and cleaned before electroplating require mechanical processing, polishing, and polishing processes before electroplating

Machining and polishing are the sharing of products Polishing and polishing primary flat surface of the product, reducing the thickness of the casting, and also limiting defects such as fine sand holes and bugs caused by casting because the appearance quality requirements of the water noise are relatively high, the coating on the outer surface of the water noise should be Excel, Arranged in a fine, smooth, and uniform Manner, with a uniform color The polarized outer surface should be bright and free from appearance defects such as bubbles, charging, detachment, and scratches Polishing quality is a key factor in ensuring electropolishing quality, improving surface brightness, And identifying defects Water faucets are decorative products Very sensitive to impacts and inclusions, even extreme fine effects may form defects such as burrs, pits, or pinholes on the electro polishing surface, and even cause coating burning, foaming, and peeing If the acid salt spray test is conducted for 24 hours, it will show loss of light, rust spots, And even blinding and comprehensive correction, so pre treatment is very important The sand and carbonized resin in the inner cavity after casting, the degree, copper sharing, and copper powder left after machining, And the polling pass and other pollutants must be cleaned thoroughly to ensure the quality of electronics The presence of pollutants is the primary factor causing bugs and pits in electroplating

4. Control of Electroplating Process

The appearance of the water ZZLE is mainly electroplated with nickel chromium The electroplating process of nickel chromium has a history of many years, and the electroplating process is very mature, with high purity of chemical materials and additives and few impurities; Moreover, the electroplating equipment is advanced, and strict process management is only required during the electroplating process. We adhere to the cleanliness of the bath solution, rinsing water, equipment, and production environment, and generally there are few electroplating quality issues. The corrosion resistance phenomenon discovered during testing is mainly due to some manufacturers reducing costs, electroplating time, and coating thickness, which cannot fully compensate for the fine pores of the coating. The corrosion solution corrodes the substrate through the fine pores, presenting many rust spots.

5. Conclusion

1) The valve body, handle, and cover of the water nozzle should be made of high-quality cast brass or copper alloy, and materials such as easily rusted cast iron and non corrosion-resistant zinc alloy should be discarded;

2) Select metal mold casting for the water nozzle valve body and attach importance to the casting process;

3) Polishing and polishing should be complete, and pre plating treatment should be done well;

4) Strictly implement the nickel chromium electroplating process standards, strengthen process management, and ensure the thickness of the coating.

Article source: Kaiping faucet http://9o34.cn/